
Montag, 22. Mai 2017

Being stuck in a Reading Slump

Reading slumps suck. They suck hard.
For those of you, that do not know what a reading slump  is here is the Urban Dictionary definition, which is very accurate in my opinion:

Montag, 15. Mai 2017

On loving change

Current hairstyle. Is probably going to change soon
“Every time I see you, your hair is different.” I can’t count anymore how often I have heard this statement. It perfectly embodies the topic I want to talk about today. Change. 

There is this saying, that humans are a creatures of comfort. That we have to hate change because it rips us out of our routines and habits. That there is only bad in a change in environment and looks. We have to find our personal style, our trademark haircut and our own perfect interior design. I can't quite agree with that. I have always loved change.

Montag, 8. Mai 2017

My Camp NaNoWriMo experience

I like to read and I like to write. Those things are no secret. In the past years I have become an avid reader, reading around 4 books a month. This part of my literary hobby is well cared for and part of my everyday routine.
Writing on the other hand… Let’s just say writing and I have a love-hate relationship. I love writing, I love expressing my thought and creating worlds that only existed in my mind. But still, I find it hard to sit down and just write. There have been periods of my life where I wrote almost every day. Creating a wild array of short stories. On the other hand, there have been years where I have not written a single word. This inconsistency bothers me. It’s not that I don’t know what to write. I just don’t do it. I did not know how to tackle that problem.  Re-opening this blog was one part of the solution. By giving me a schedule of posting once a week, I have to write at least one day a week. So far that’s working for me.

Montag, 1. Mai 2017

April Wrap Up

Another month is over. April basically flew by. I was travelling quite a bit during the first half of the month and with travelling come long journeys, perfect for reading. I read four books during April. I’m quite happy with that. Enough talking, here are the books I read: