A public
service announcement before we start: If you came here for pastel colours and
pretty flower patterns, then I am sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not my
style. Its more like black. With a little bit of grey. If you like that, or are
just plain curious how to style a black spring outfit, then keep on reading.
Montag, 24. April 2017
Montag, 17. April 2017
All about Sketching
person, that ever wanted to be good at drawing had to practice. But how does
one practice? The answer is quite simple. You sketch. As often as you can, as
much as you can. It does not matter if it is good. It should simply be a way
for you to get out of your comfort zone, acquire new skills or to deepen those
that you already have.
Montag, 10. April 2017
Sammelsurium I - Kurzgeschichten
Die folgenden Passagen sind im Laufe der
letzten paar Jahre (seit ca. 2012) entstanden. Zumeist während Bahnfahrten. Sie
sind alle in sich abgeschlossen, auch wenn einige für mich den Anfang von
größeren Geschichten darstellen, die ich jedoch nie schreiben werde. Welche
gefällt euch am besten? und was haltet ihr von meinen kleinen Ausflügen in das
Gebiet der Lyrik? Nun viel Spaß beim lesen meiner Wortspiele.
Montag, 3. April 2017
My reading year so far
This year I want to finish at least 30 books. As of today I have read thirteen in three months:
Rebel of the sands
My reading year started with Rebel
of the sands by Alwyn Hamilton.
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