It was not an easy decision to make since it it quite a financial investment (at least with my budget). For almost a month I was debating wether or not I should buy one. I researched all types, looked a reviews and made quite a few pro and contra lists. In the end I decided on the Kindle Paperwhite. But before I get into the review: A few thoughts on E-Readers in general.
Dienstag, 29. August 2017
Kindle Paperwhite: My Thoughts on E-readers
It was not an easy decision to make since it it quite a financial investment (at least with my budget). For almost a month I was debating wether or not I should buy one. I researched all types, looked a reviews and made quite a few pro and contra lists. In the end I decided on the Kindle Paperwhite. But before I get into the review: A few thoughts on E-Readers in general.
Montag, 14. August 2017
Bullet Journaling: Setting Up my new Journal
I have always loved being organized. It gives me a sense of security. So to be as organized as possible I have kept a shit load of calendars in my life. It all started when I was six, with a "homework-book"(a small book that you are required to keep in school). But not only did I kept track of my homework, I also wrote down what I wanted to do that day, when Pokémon came on TV that day or when my grandparents would be in town. From that on, year for year I looked forward to buying a new planner at the beginning of the year. The older I got, the more intricate the planing got, I started to decorate my weeks and develop a color code for my homework. Then I discovered the Filofax community on YouTube. I was blown away by all those people having the same hobby as me. For my 18th birthday I got my first Filofax. It was bright orange and I loved it.
Montag, 7. August 2017
NaNoWriMo-Camp Experience: The second time around
I participated first in April of this year. My goal then was to write for 30 minutes each day. I was not able to fulfill said goal, but still felt like the project was a success for me. This time around things were very different.
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